






■ISBN 978-4-87925-144-2

of Leaves and Drawing on Life
Leaf Paintings and Text
Naomi Gumma
世田谷美術館学芸員 東谷千恵子
この世でただ1枚の葉っぱ、1本のネギ、朽ちた花…。みんな美しい! そのありのままの美しさを描き続

英国王立園芸協会主催「RHSロンドン ボタニカルアートショー2019」Best Botanical Art Exhibit(最高賞)

"It's realism, yet actually avant garde!!!"
Chieko Azumaya,
Curator at Setagaya Art Museum
This charming book brings together a rich collection of artwork and wonderful insights
by leaf artist Naomi Gumma for the first time in print and includes her award-winning work
A Gift from the Gods : The Life Cycle of the Shimonita Welsh Onion, for which she won
Best Botanical Art Exhibit at the RHS London Botanical Art and Photography Show in 2019.
A4版 並製 96頁 オールカラー

1982 年、東京造形大学絵画科卒業。在学中に新緑の美しさ、その生命力に深く癒された経験から、
“葉”をテーマとする創作活動に入る。1991 年、より緻密な描写のできるテンペラ画と出会い、葉を原寸
大で見たまま克明に描く現在の作風に至る。2019 年、英国王立園芸協会主催「RHS ロンドン ボタニカ
ルアートショー」にて連作「下仁田ネギの一生」で、Best Botanical Art Exhibit(最高賞)受賞。著書に、
『言の葉 葉っぱ暦』(けやき出版)『木の葉の美術館』『木の実の宝石箱』『街路樹 葉っぱの詩』(世界

東京都立川市在住。 https://www.wood.jp/konoha/
■Author’s Prole
Naomi Gumma - Leaf Artist
Born in Takasaki City, Gunma Prefecture, she graduated from the Department of Fine Arts
(Painting Major),

Tokyo Zokei University in 1982. While studying, she experienced the deep healing power of the
beauty and vitality of fresh greenery,

which led to her creative activities around the theme of leaves. She encountered tempera painting
in 1991 that allowed her

to capture them in greater detail and develop her current creative style where she paints leaves
life-size as she sees them.

In 2019, she won Best Botanical Art Exhibit at the RHS London Botanical Art and Photography
Show for her work The Life Cycle of the Shimonita Welsh Onion. Gumma is also the author of
Koto no Ha ? Happa Goyomi (leaves and words - a leaf diary ? published by Keyaki Shuppan) Konoha
no Bijutsukan* (the art gallery of tree leaves), Kinomi no Hoseki-bako* (jewel box of nuts and
berries), Gairoju - Happa no Uta* (roadside trees - leaf poetry) (*all three titles by Sekai Bunka
Publishing Inc.).

She lives in Tachikawa, Tokyo. https://www.wood.jp/konoha/



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